Place Grants 24-25

This is a preview of the Place Grants Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

The Town of Victoria Park is here to help you complete your grant application.

Before you start the application, read the Grants Toolkit (click on link), browse through the form and speak with the Place Leader for your suburb (click on link). 

Incomplete applications and/or applications received after the closing date may not be accepted.


To proceed, please confirm you meet the Eligibility Criteria below.  If you do not meet one of the criteria, please speak with your local Place Leader (click on link).

  • You do not have an outstanding financial debt with the Town.
  • You have adequately acquitted all previous grants with the Town.
  • You have not completed the project.
  • You are not an employee of the Town, an Elected Member, a 'relative' of an employee or Elected Member or a 'closely associated person' (as defined by the Local Government Act).
  • You are applying for an amount of $15,000 or less.
  • You have (or are able) to purchase public liability insurance to the value of $10 million should the initiative require it.
Are you an employee of the Town, an Elected Member, a 'relative' of an employee or Elected Member or a 'closely associated person' (as defined by the Local Government Act)? * Required
Please select: * Required
Response required.
Attach a file: Select stored file

    Conflict of Interest

    The applicant must declare and provide details of any potential or perceived conflicts of interest.

    Are there any circumstances, arrangements or understandings which constitute, or may reasonably be perceived to constitute, an actual or potential conflict of interest with either the applicant's obligations to adhere to the Funding Agreement or which unduly impact the application? If an Elected Member works for or resides on an applicant's Board of Management or similar governing body, this must be declared as a conflict of interest and addressed below.

      * Required
    Response required.Response required.